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"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." 
– Viktor Frankl

While many leadership consulting and coaching firms may focus on skills, strategies, or team dynamics, ~able's core differentiation is its emphasis on trust-building as the foundation of leadership. This trust-centric approach acknowledges the complexities of 21st-century business leadership, and how the relationships between leaders and employees and the systems that support them are foundational to the performance of each and every individual and the corporation as a whole. 


This approach is particularly relevant in today's business environment, where rapid changes, remote work, and global teams make trust more crucial than ever. ~able Leadership is a pioneer in trust-centric leadership transformation, offering a unique solution that addresses a fundamental challenge in modern business leadership.

Evidence-based trustful leadership

Our offerings aren't just inspired by leadership principles and ideas; they're rooted in rigorous scientific research. Every solution we provide is informed by cutting-edge studies and empirical evidence. Conversely, our on the ground practical insights are channelled back into academia, shaping and informing future research. This symbiotic relationship with doctoral schools, researchers, and research facilities ensures that our clients benefit from leadership strategies that are both innovative and scientifically validated. We're not just practitioners; we're contributors to the evolving science of leadership.


Based on rigorous academic research, ~able has uncovered the five key trust building behaviors required of any leader seeking to build trust within their organization and teams:

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The bigger picture

While ~able's focus on trust-building remains at our core, we never lose sight of the bigger picture. A problem isn't always what it seems to be. For instance, negative stress and conflict don't always stem from social causes; they can arise from external factors that aren't immediately apparent. Repetitive tasks, insufficient support, or confusing processes can lead to psychological distress. We never reduce problems to a single factor. Instead, we analyze issues within a broader context, considering often overlooked factors. This comprehensive approach ensures sustainable results, maximizing the benefits for our clients.


"Our values are the compass that guides our actions, decisions, and interactions in everything that we do."
- Founder, Michael Grosser, PhD.

Evidence-Based Integrity: We believe in the power of scientific research. Every offering we provide is not just based on best practices but is rooted in empirical evidence and rigorous studies. Our commitment to evidence ensures our strategies are both innovative and effective.


Reciprocal Learning: Our relationship with academia is symbiotic. While we draw from the latest research, our practical insights also shape and inform the academic world. This continuous learning loop ensures we remain at the forefront of leadership science.


Empathy in Action: We believe in solutions that prioritize human well-being. Our decisions are driven by a deep understanding and consideration of the people we affect.


Commitment to Ethical Excellence: We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, ensuring that our actions align with our values, even when faced with challenging decisions.

Collaborative Growth: We value the power of collaboration, both within our organization and with our academic partners. Together, we achieve more.


Adaptive Innovation: In a rapidly changing world, we prioritize adaptability, ensuring our strategies and solutions evolve to meet the complexities of modern business leadership.

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